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 0247 622 4605*

Administering your payroll can be time consuming and burdensome, diverting energy and resources from the core activities of your business.

And the task is made all the more difficult by the growing complexity of taxation and employment legislation and the accompanying regime of penalties for non-compliance.

We can relieve you of this burden by providing a comprehensive and confidential payroll service, including:

  • Setting up new employees and dealing with required paperwork
  • Providing computer generated payslips
  • Administration of PAYE, national insurance, statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay, etc
  • Dealing with an employee leaving, including producing the P45
  • Completion of statutory forms, including yearend returns, to issue to your employees and submit to the Inland Revenue
  Call us now for more information on Tel: 0247 622 4605

© Total Accounting Solutions 2025